
In order to prepare our students for their place in the world and to succeed in their careers and lives, we must connect beyond our borders to bring the real-world issues into the classrooms and place our students out into the world for hands-on learning. Students need to turn concepts they are studying in the classroom into practical know-how. 他们需要通过练习变得更加熟练, 有提问的空间吗, 尝试,有时会失败, 并从这些失误中学习和成长. 综上所述, 这些体验式学习机会可以提高批判性思维, 培养全面的软硬技能, 并产生更丰富、更有意义的成绩单和成绩单. 今天的学生渴望用他们的知识和行动来改变世界, and they want to do it now rather than years after they have completed their studies. RWU students gain the high impact experiences that make them job ready on day one, 能够以公民身份工作和生活.

RWU will provide our students with the best educational experiences: acquiring knowledge through classroom learning, and then applying their new skills and learning on and off-campus through research, 基于项目的工作, 临床实践, 学徒和实习, 以及与我们的社区和环境相联系的创造性努力. 他们会养成聪明的习惯, 为了成为终身学习者,他们需要实践和激情, ready and able to pursue any new personal and professional challenge that they will face, 拥有不断获得新技能和专业知识的精神.

RWU is committed to closing the widening gap between academia and industry through unique collaborations with our expansive network of industry, 非营利组织和政府顾问和合作伙伴. Working with external partners provides an excellent opportunity for RWU alumni to become engaged citizens and thrive in their work and life. 通过这种方式, we are building a lasting and engaging relationship between RWU and the world around us.

当我们将专业知识拓展到校园之外, 我们加强了当地的, 我们周围的国家和全球社区, while that work also serves to enrich the educational experiences we provide our students. We envision a future where RWU is known for creating resilient communities that can bounce back from disruptions, 创新,以满足新的需求和蓬勃发展. Prioritizing active scholarship provides our community and organization partners with rigorous and relevant insights and research, and the tools to ensure long-term sustainable and equitable practices for their systems and the people they serve. Making a meaningful difference in our society and our planet is the essence of our engaged teaching, 学习与奖学金.


  • 在所有专业/项目中实施新的服务学习毕业要求  
  • 扩展组织合作伙伴网络, 包括与我们新的跨学科计划相一致的机会
  • Deepen our offerings in the skilled trades and apprenticeships within 网赌的十大网站 
  • 整合学术和职业建议,创造充分的脚手架, 为学生提供从第一天起的课外学习体验  
  • Develop meaningful opportunities for life-long learning and infuse academic content into Reunion Weekend beginning summer 2022 
  • Pilot new first-year undergraduate research experiences (FYRE) in the sciences with eye toward a fuller expansion for fall 2022 new students 


We challenge students to put their knowledge and skills to the test by working on real needs and issues in our local communities, 包括研究, 政策工作和倡导促进社区成员之间的公平.

我们必须尊重、支持和承认与我们合作的社区. 为了这样做, we conduct engaged learning through a social justice lens to ensure we truly collaborate with and respect and value the voices and ideas of our community and organizational partners. That means preparing our students to ethically and respectfully engage in this kind of work, 这样他们就能对我们的社区产生有意义的影响.


Engaged learning will be measured by the levels of participation of our students in the opportunities we design. And also we will improve the assessment of engaged learning through participation in the National Survey of Student Engagement and its measurement of 高影响力的实践 在本科阶段. NSSE will measure our student experience with six key practices:  Service-Learning, 学习社区, 教师研究, Internship & 实地经验,海外学习和高级经验.  

In addition, we will track and assess the range of engaged learning opportunities that students pursue to satisfy RWU’s service learning graduation requirement. These include community engaged and experiential learning courses; public service internships; engaged research projects; and intensive volunteer experiences. Continued assessment of these engaged learning experiences will enable us to understand better how they contribute to academic success, 职业发展与选择, 终身学习和公民参与.