Safety Tips

Staying Safe

Protect Yourself in the Residence Halls

  • 永远锁好你的门,即使你打算很快回来或者你正要走到大厅. 小偷只需要几秒钟就能进入一个敞开的房间,偷走你的财产.
  • 当你独自一人或睡觉时,锁好门窗.
  • Do not prop open outer doors.
  • Do not allow strangers to enter premises.
  • 如果有人要求用你的手机打紧急电话, 主动为他们打电话,而不是让他们进入.
  • Save emergency numbers in your cell phone.
  • 不要在你的门上留下你离开和/或何时回来的信息.
  • Do not put your address on your key ring.
  • Do not leave keys in hiding places. Thieves will find them.
  • 在校园,拨打公共安全(401)254-3333报告可疑活动.
  • Off campus, call 911. Immediately give the dispatcher your location. Then give the nature of the emergency. 如果可能的话,请保持通话,直到救援到来或调度员终止通话.
  • Keep automatic teller machine (ATM) cards in a safe place. 永远不要向任何人透露你的个人识别号码, 尤其是那些自称是进行安全调查的银行员工的人. Never loan your ATM card to anyone. When possible, only use ATMs during the day. If you need to bank at night, use a machine in a well-lighted area, such as a shopping mall or supermarket.

Protect Yourself When Walking

  • Avoid walking alone at night unless absolutely necessary.
  • Walk in well lit, commonly traveled routes. Avoid shortcuts and dark, isolated areas.
  • If you feel threatened, cross the street, enter a business establishment, 或者寻求其他人在你身边的安全. 相信你的直觉:如果某人或某事让你不安,你很可能是对的.
  • Walk purposefully; know where you are going.
  • Constantly maintain awareness of your surroundings. Avoid potentially dangerous situations.
  • Have your door keys ready; carry them in your hand or pocket.
  • Avoid giving directions to persons in motor vehicles. If you feel you must, do not approach the vehicle closely. 在远处说话,并准备在必要时向相反的方向逃跑.
  • Public Safety provides on-campus courtesy transports

网络钓鱼是一种古老骗局的高科技变种,它诱骗人们向恶意的人提供诸如社会安全号码之类的信息, credit card numbers, passwords, or bank account information.

Tips for a “Spoof-Proof Life”

  • Be suspicious of emails that don’t greet you by name.
  • 不要回复询问个人或财务信息的电子邮件、短信或弹出信息.
  • Don’t send personal or financial information via email.
  • Don’t open attachments from unknown senders.
  • 当你在网上购物时,在网站的url中寻找“http:”. The “s” stands for “secure”.
  • If you see a “@” symbol, it is probably a phishing site.
  • 在电脑上安装最新的防火墙和安全补丁.
  • 查看信用卡和银行对账单,检查未经授权的费用.
  • Forward phishing emails to spam
  • If your information is compromised, 在你的信用报告上设置欺诈警报,并访问联邦贸易委员会的身份盗窃网站.

Preventing Crime:
而公共安全部门负责确保我们的校园尽可能安全, 预防犯罪和个人安全的首要责任在于每个人.

不要等到犯罪发生或问题失去控制. 联系公共安全部门报告问题或可疑活动(401)254-3333.

While on campus, 拨打公共安全电话(401)254-3333报告任何可疑活动或犯罪事件. To report criminal incidents off campus, call 911. 准确和及时地报告突发事件或可疑事件,将有助于公共安全及/或警方迅速有效地作出反应.
When you call, please remain calm and speak clearly. 不要挂断电话,直到警察调度员得到所需的所有信息.

Report Other Problems and Incidents

Seek Help with Personal Concerns
如果你或其他人有个人问题需要帮助, 我们鼓励您在问题造成进一步困难之前寻求帮助. 咨询中心是一个很好的开始,可以通过(401)254-3124联系,也可以在非工作时间通过(401)254-3333通过公共安全联系随叫随到的协调员.