Environmental Science

Housed in RWU’s Marine and Natural Sciences Building, 跨学科的环境科学项目整合了生物学, chemistry, earth science, and physics into an understanding of the natural world. 通过研究和一系列选修课程,比如地球科学, resource management and law, 你会发现人类是如何影响自然的,并在你的科学家生涯中学习如何保护环境, policymaker or educator. 我们的毕业生继续在气候变化研究的前沿工作,并通过科学在行动中发挥作用.

This major is coordinated by the 生物学系、海洋生物学系和环境科学系. 

Learn on a Coastal Campus

罗杰威廉姆斯校园和希望山湾的航拍照片RWU’s coastal campus, situated in beautiful southern New England, 作为我们课程作业和研究项目的天然实验室. 位于纳拉甘西特湾流域,距离希望山湾仅几百码, 海洋与自然科学(MNS)大楼为我们的学生和教师提供了丰富的机会来探索塑造我们校园湿地的模式和过程, ponds, forests, old fields, and coastal ecosystems.

A professor on board a research vessel speaks to students 我们在当地的实地工作与我们的MNS设施相辅相成,这些设施拥有先进的实验室资源. 研究和课程作业也得到RWU内部湿实验室的支持, Shellfish Hatchery and Farm, Aquatic Diagnostic Laboratory, and greenhouse. On board RWU’s research vessel, the InVinceable Spirit, students launch from our own dock for coursework, water quality testing, or analysis of local ecosystems, and can be back on campus in time for their next class.

Success By The Numbers


Placement of 2022 Grads


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Real World Opportunities

生物和环境科学专业的学生在本科期间参与社区参与的项目和实习, studies, 为他们提供雇主和研究生网赌的十大网站最需要的技能和多样化的经验.

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Hands-On Research

Each academic year, 超过80名学生与教师一起进行研究和/或在我们的实验室里照顾生物体. 鼓励学生从第一年开始参与研究机会.

Degree Requirements


Learn from Expert Faculty 

Dr. Loren ByrneA photo of Professor Loren Byrne standing outside
Professor of Biology and Environmental Science 

Research Interests: 土壤生态学、城市生态学、生物多样性研究、可持续性和生态系统服务 

Student Research Opportunities: Investigations of soils, earthworm and arthropod communities on RWU campus; relationships between earthworms and biogeochemical cycling; effects of urban land cover management on ecosystems; sustainable landscape and building design and management 

Research Opportunities Two students working in a science laboratory

罗杰威廉姆斯的环境科学专业是一个跨学科的项目,旨在让学生了解环境过程和问题,并意识到我们作为人类在环境中的角色. 本科研究被纳入环境科学课程, 让学生有机会通过做研究获得学分, 制定提案并竞争小额赠款以资助他们的项目, and to present their findings at regional, national and international conferences. Our faculty have mentored student research in many areas, including water circulation patterns in Narragansett Bay, effects of urban landscapes on soil biodiversity, trophic ecology of jellyfish, and sediment analyses of Narragansett Bay. 

Minor in Sustainability Studies 

Sustainability Studies RWU的宗旨是为地球上最紧迫的问题寻求解决方案. 通过结合不同学科的思想——从科学、人文到商业, 工程和建筑-你会开发环境之间的复杂关系有更深的理解, 社会和经济问题将有助于指导你在职业生涯和作为21世纪公民的决策.

Intern at Leading Research Agencies, Organizations 

环境科学专业的学生可以通过实习获得专业学分. 我们的学生曾在领先的环境研究机构和倡导组织,如大自然保护协会工作, Save The Bay, World Wildlife Fund, R.I. 环境管理系,以及罗德岛奥杜邦协会.

Study Abroad 

在伯利兹的一个短期校外项目中学习环境科学, Panama, and Yellowstone National Park. 学生也可以在新西兰和澳大利亚的合作机构度过一个完整的学期.

Graduate Shares His Experience

A photo of student Sean Nugent standing outside “我在罗杰做研究,对海湾的水进行水质测试. 我用专业的方法对水进行取样,学习了不同的测试方法. That turned into an interest in water quality."  

Sean Nugent '20 
Water Quality Technician at SafeWell in Bolton, Mass.