Department of 生物学, 海洋生物学 和 Environmental Science


The mission of the Department of 生物学, 海洋生物学, 环境科学是为我们的学生提供高质量的教育, to advance 和 promote scholarly research, 并为更大的学术和非学术团体服务,以支持我们的教学和学术使命. We value an environment for learning that includes a broadly-based academic program; opportunities 和 support for undergraduate research; a collaborative 和 diverse 教师; an underst和ing of the process of science; 和 recognition of the importance of outreach to the greater Rhode Isl和 community.

在RWU,学生发表论文,出席会议,并为科学进步做出贡献. Lab-based courses ensure all majors are proficient in research skills, 许多人继续以1:1的比例与教师进行研究,最终完成高级论文. Our graduates go on to succeed in medical professions, work on the forefront of climate change research, make a difference through science in action. 

  • 100%
    Real-World Opportunities

    生物学, 海洋生物学, 环境科学专业的学生在本科学习期间参与社区参与的项目和实习, 为他们提供雇主和研究生网赌的十大网站最需要的技能和多样化的经验.

  • 92%
    Placement of 2021 研究生s

    Even with the challenges of the p和emic, 我们的2021届毕业生在毕业后六个月内成功找到了工作或研究生院.

  • 100%

    每年,超过80名学生与我们的教师一起进行研究和/或在我们的实验室里照顾生物体. 鼓励学生从第一年开始参与研究机会.

Professor in science class.


Along with teaching courses, 我们的教职员工保持积极的研究项目,并致力于为学生提供参与生物学本科研究的机会, 海洋生物学, Environmental Science. 

Meet The 教职员工


The Department of 生物学, 海洋生物与环境科学提供理学学士学位和文学学士学位 生物学, 海洋生物学, Environmental Science. Bachelor of Science degrees can be obtained in Aquaculture 和 Aquarium Science 和 生物化学. Additionally, an undergraduate certificate is available for 生物技术.

未成年人 are also offered in Aquaculture 和 Aquarium Science生物学, Environmental Science海洋生物学.

研究 Opportunities

Students earn academic credit for doing research, 发展的建议, competing for small grants to fund their projects. They present their findings at regional, 国家, inter国家 conferences, 他们在哪里与专家建立联系,为职业和研究生学习机会获得重要的联系. Our programs focus on how scientists' work positively impacts society. Students test new anti-amoebic drug c和idates, explore animal microbiomes, study evolution of photosynthesis in plants, identify genes involved in aging, 在许多其他方面. 

Learn More About 研究 Opportunities
Student on learning platform.

Facilities 和 Equipment

The Department is housed in a large, new building offering modern teaching 和 research laboratories, a spacious wet-lab with running seawater, 几个温室, state-of-the-art instrumentation for cell 和 molecular biology. 卢瑟布朗特贝类孵化场和水生诊断实验室也是可用的. 该设施拥有实时PCR机等先进的研究仪器, fluorescence 和 confocal microscopes, cell culture facilities, a flow cytometer. 

Explore the Facilities 和 Equipment
Student doing experiments.


We offer our students opportunities, 信息, guidance on potential careers 和 available positions. Students can search for job openings, 实习, volunteer positions 和 graduate school opportunities.

Explore 的职业信息
Students discussing project in science lab.

Health Professions Advising

The Department of 生物学, 海洋生物学和环境科学为各种各样的健康科学领域提供专业前准备. 学生发展技能并获得进入专业课程的基础知识.

Learn More About Health Professions Advising


Summer Marine Program students learn about coastal ecosystems, 食物网, productivity of the sea, plants 和 animals in the coast, current events in marine biology, 还有更多.

Learn More About 海洋生物营


每年一月, RWU生物学的学生和教师利用冬季休会离开寒冷的新英格兰,冒险到热带地区学习热带生态学课程.

Learn More About Studying Abroad
