
政治科学 examines the institutions that govern our societies and the policy decisions that affect every part of our lives. 在RWU, 你的思维会更敏捷, writing and debate skills in classes such as American politics, 国际关系, 比较政治学, political theory and public administration. Combined with real-world internship experience -- locally and in Washington, D.C. -- you’ll be prepared for a career in law, business, public policy or education.




To read more about our academic offerings, or to view full course descriptions, please refer to our University Catalog.

Associate Professor of 政治科学 Annika Hagley stands in her office under a Captain America stained-glass shield.参加有吸引力的课程 

In her "Great Powers and Great Responsibilities" course, Associate Professor of 政治科学 Annika Hagley uses the superhero genre to dive into conversations about politics, 文化, 和社会. Students analyze both DC Comics and Marvel Comics superheroes, from Superman and Captain America to Wonder Woman and Black Panther, 看看他们的背景故事, 它们几十年来的演变, and how they relate to politics and current affairs. 



Our strong industry connections lead our 政治科学 students to intern in a variety of places including law firms, 公司, 非营利组织, for state and local governments in Rhode Island, 麻萨诸塞州, 和康涅狄格, and at various sites in Washington, D.C. 


Our students take part in hands-on research projects, including: 

  • Plastic Bag Ban in Barrington, Rhode Island 
  • 协作R.I. projects including Regional Competitiveness, Municipal Bankruptcy
  • Bristol and Warren Community Needs Assessment
  • Gender and Gubernatorial Appointments
  • Presidential Election Exit Polling
  • 模拟联合国
  • 模范阿拉伯联盟

本科 Opportunities Propel 校友 Success 

政治科学 graduates work for prestigious companies, 组织, and government entities including: 

  • 埃森哲咨询公司
  • 普罗维登斯市
  • 中央瀑布市
  • 退伍军人事务部
  • 环境保护署
  • 美国参众两院(工作人员)
  • 美国海军陆战队
  • 数字地球卫星图像
  • 纳斯卡公司
  • 东北大学
  • 鲍威尔泰特咨询公司


研究生s who chose to continue their education after Roger have attended: 

  • 美国大学
  • 乔治华盛顿大学
  • 纽约大学
  • 伦敦经济学院
  • 杜克大学法学院
  • University of Virginia 法学院
  • University of Michigan 法学院
  • Roger Williams University 法学院
  • 美国大学 法学院